Cynthia’s Story

by Heather on June 6, 2011

Lymphedema 2009

Lymphedema is a debilitating condition of localized fluid retention caused by a blocked lymphatic system. It is most often seen after breast cancer treatments such as lymph node dissection, surgery and/or radiation therapy, which can damage the lymphatic system of the arm.

I’ve had breast cancer twice, in 1979 and 1993. I developed lymphedema in 1990, eleven years after my first modified radical mastectomy at 30 years old. It initially started with a swollen right hand and gradually developed in my right arm. I had no idea what caused the swelling, and a visit with my surgeon was no real help. He asked if I had cut myself and put me on a course of antibiotics. I instinctively bought an ace bandage to easy the pain. The swelling was minimal and didn’t have a big affect on my life, I went on as usual. There were times when the hand became more swollen and each doctor’s visit ended with prescriptions for water pills and told to get a sleeve. No other form of treatment was recommended.

In January of 2007 I suffered a bout of cellulitis, the result of a broken acrylic fingernail. I didn’t have health insurance so delayed going to the doctor, until I developed red specs on my arm. I immediately went to Quick Care, where I was told, had I waited one more day I would have been hospitalized. I was given a shot and a rigorous course of antibiotics; however the swelling in my hand and arm had grown tremendously.

Things were never the same after the cellulitis. My arm and hand were humongous and make me so self conscious about my appearance. In addition, I began to notice other medical symptoms and because of my medical history wondered if I was dying. My body was filled with toxins and feeling so unhealthy.

My lymphedema worsened to the point that it was affecting my vision. In June of 2009 I woke up with my right eye red and swollen shut. It hurt to open it and I certainly couldn’t see out of it. The ophthalmologist said that I had a bacterial infection and couldn’t tell me where the bacterial infection was coming from. He did a complete exam and found nothing. Two months later in August while sitting at my desk working, my right arm became painful and hot. I felt nauseous and dizzy with a tremendous headache. I couldn’t swollow nor could I eat. I immediately went to Quick Care where I was told that I had been bitten by a black widow spider and given a prescription for prednisone (which I didn’t fill). My friend Laurita gave me a card for the Lymphatic Center of Las Vegas and suggested that I give them a call. I put the card in my roledex and didn’t think any more about it.

On October 23, 2009 I woke up unable to get out of bed. My head was pounding, my hand and are were painful and hot, I was unable to walk and I couldn’t swollow so could not eat. I was terrified. I called my niece and asked that she come over and help me as I could not get out of bed. Once again, I wondered if I had cancer again and wondered if I was dying. I was in bed for a week.

I remembered the card that Laurita had given me and I called the Lymphatic Center of Las Vegas. I was so emotional when I spoke with Michael, and told him my situation and asked if they could help me, he said Yes. I was given an appointment and I felt a sense of relief and anticipation. Am I finally getting help?

My first visit with the Lymphatic Center of Las Vegas was on November 1, 2009. I met Dr. Richard Hodnett who took one look and me and began treating me right away. He explained in detail what was going on with my lymphedema and how MLD (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) along with bandaging would help me. I was filled with so much emotion that I began to cry. I finally found a place of healing, it was like being born again.

I was in treat 3 months 3 times a week. I was compliant and did everything that I was instructed to do. I learned so much about the lymphatic system and how crucial it is to our overall health. I also learned how many physicians are uneducated when it comes to treating this ailment.

As a result of treatment my arm was reduced by 15cm (almost 6 inches) and I am now wearing my lymphatic compression sleeve and glove. I faithfully wear them every day and make sure that I do my lymphatic exercises. In fact, my black sleeve and glove are now my fashion statement and trade mark.

I have happily appeared on Vegas Morning Blend with Dr. Hodnett to help promote lymphedema awareness, and was interviewed at the Race for the Cure on May 7th by KLAS-TV, Channel 8 News Now. I am also an Advocate for the Lymphedema Treatment Act bill to be re-introduced in Congress.

Lymphedema Day 4

Channel 8 Interview

Channel 82 Interview

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