Spreading awareness about the Act is so important!
In this Newsletter we will cover several easy ways you can help.
Information Cards:
We will gladly provide you, free of charge, the information cards seen here . These are perfect for taking to doctor’s and therapist’s offices, support groups, compression garment fitters/suppliers, etc. Typically one pack of cards per physical location is appropriate. The cards are shrink wrapped in packs of 50, so please respond with the number of packs you need and the address you would like them mailed to.
Please “like” the Lymphedema Treatment Act Facebook page and post something about the Act on your Facebook page. You can compose your own message or use this one: Please support passage of the Lymphedema Treatment Act so that patients are no longer denied coverage for the compression supplies that are a vital component of lymphedema treatment. There are many quick and easy ways you can help – just visit the LTA website to learn how. Thanks for your support! www.LymphedemaTreatmentAct.org
If you use Twitter please follow us and re-tweet our tweets – https://twitter.com/LymphedemaACT1.
Tell-A-Friend Form:
Using the Tell-A-Friend form on our website you can quickly tell up to 10 people at a time about our website.
If you have a website or blog please consider including information and/or a link about the Act. Our logo is available hereand a “one-pager” with all of the most important information is available here. If you prefer to not write the post yourself then a pre-written message from me is available here .
Thank you for helping us spread awareness about the Act!
Heather Ferguson
Founder and Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group