The 30 Senators NOT Cosponsoring the LTA Yet!

by Heather on February 3, 2020

Please contact the below 30 Senators (again) and ask them to cosponsor the LTA! The more we have the greater our chances of getting the bill signed into law this year. 

Additionally, if you live in one of the 10 states marked in red below, we need you! These states do not yet have someone attending our upcoming Lymphedema Lobby Days, March 1st and 2nd.

Registration for Lymphedema Lobby Days 2020 is open for just 13 more days, until February 16th. Details are on our website. All ages are welcome and no experience is needed. 

Thank you for your advocacy!

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group 

Tips on how to personalize your phone messageare at the bottom of this newsletter. 


I am a constituent calling in support of the Lymphedema Treatment Act, which was just passed in the house in December. This bipartisan bill has 70 Senate cosponsors and I would like for Senator [name] to cosponsor as well.

This issue is important to me because… [2-3 brief sentences]. Please ask Senator [name] to cosponsor Senate bill number S.518, the Lymphedema Treatment Act.” 


AL-Senate: Richard Shelby, 202-224-5744
CO-Senate: Cory Gardner, 202-224-5941 
GA-Senate: David Perdue, 202-224-3521
GA-Senate: Johnny Isakson, 202- 224-3643
IA-Senate: Chuck Grassley, 202-224-3744*
ID-Senate: Jim Risch, 202-224-2752
ID-Senate: Mike Crapo, 202-224-6142
KY-Senate: Rand Paul, 202-224-4343
KY-Senate: Mitch McConnell, 202-224-2541*
LA-Senate: Bill Cassidy, 202-224-5824
LA-Senate: John Kennedy, 202-224-4623
ME-Senate: Susan Collins, 202-224-2523
NC-Senate: Richard Burr, 202-224-3154, then enter #2
NE-Senate: Ben Sasse, 202-224-4224
OH-Senate: Rob Portman, 202-224-3353
OR-Senate: Ron Wyden, 202-224-5244*
PA-Senate: Pat Toomey, 202-224-4254*
SD-Senate: John Thune, 202-224-2321
TN-Senate: Marsha Blackburn, 202-224-3344
TN-Senate: Lamar Alexander, 202-224-4944
TX-Senate: Ted Cruz, 202-224-5922
TX-Senate: John Cornyn, 202-224-2934
UT-Senate: Mike Lee, 202-224-5444
UT-Senate: Mitt Romney, 202-224-5251
WV-Senate: Joe Manchin, 202-224-3954
WY-Senate: Mike Enzi, 202-224-3424
WY-Senate: John Barrasso, 202-224-6441


The most effective things you can convey are why your doctor prescribed compression garments are essential to your health and quality of life. The focus should be on their medical necessity, and how they enable you to manage your lymphedema, prevent complications like infections, keep you able to work, take care of your family, etc. – whatever is most applicable for you. 

The most important thing to avoid saying is that they are expensive. Cost, or a person’s ability to afford to pay out of pocket, is not a reason why something should be covered by insurance, only medical necessity is. Keep the focus on compression garments being essential for the treatment and management of lymphedema, just as insulin is to a diabetic.


Due to their Leadership or Committee positions, it is unlikely that these four Senators would cosponsor the bill. Rather than asking them to “cosponsor” the bill you can ask that they make sure the LTA is included in the next healthcare package the Senate votes on. If you have any questions about corresponding with these offices feel free to reply to this email. 

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