Meet Bill – survivor, lymphedema patient, advocate!

by Heather on February 8, 2020

My name is Bill. I am a secondary Lymphedema patient due to Synovial Sarcoma as a much younger man. A business owner, dog lover, and sports nut. However, my real passion is advocating for the LTA! 

Like many others – I was drawn to this cause due to frustrations with this disease and the encouraging words of Elaine Eigeman (former Board Chair). There was no more passionate fighter for the LTA. Unfortunately, Elaine passed away last year after a second battle with cancer. From her hospice bed, she was fundraising and inspiring us to keep fighting for this important cause. Let’s continue the fight as Elaine would want us to do! 
Very sadly, two other LAG Board members passed away in 2019. Jan Hasak and Lois Tiemann were tireless advocates and are dearly missed. We continue on inspired by their commitment and hard work.
We are making great progress with our annual Lobby Days fundraiser.  With the bill passing in the House, there is excitement in the air as we shift our focus to the Senate. Advocates who visit D.C. pay for their own travel expenses, but the event is not without expense! We truly need and appreciate your support. Please consider a donation today! Even a small sum would be greatly appreciated.
I know Elaine, Jan, and Lois would be proud of the position we are in. Thank you to Heather Ferguson (our fearless Founder and Executive Director), the entire LAG team, and most importantly – thank you to the many advocates across the country who are committed to passage of the LTA!
Thank you for Showing Your Love for the LTA!
Bill McCann
Board Member and Advocacy Training Committee Co-Chair
Lymphedema Advocacy Group


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