Lobby Days Recap – over 160 Congressional Meetings in One Day!

by Heather on March 9, 2020

Last Monday, nearly 80 people from 30 states took part in our 2020 Lymphedema Lobby Days

We met with 93 Senate offices, 70 House offices, and dropped off information and constituent letters to about 2 dozen more offices. An impressive day’s work!

Since 80% of the meetings were with offices already cosponsoring, our main ask was that the Lymphedema Treatment Act be included in the next healthcare package that becomes law.

And that message was well received! It was not only us, the advocates, saying this bill needs to pass. It was also staff (and occasionally Senators directly, because we met with a few) saying things like, “oh my gosh, this has got to pass this year, this is such a no-brainer and has so much support!

So while we still have hurdles, it’s great to have this kind of momentum on our side now! 

Last week, we shared five ways you can support passage of the LTA from home. If you haven’t had a chance to complete all five yet that list is beneath the photograph of this year’s group. 

A big thank you to all you attended Lobby Days, and to all our advocates around the country. Together, we can pass the Lymphedema Treatment Act! 

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group

Action #1: Send a postcard to your Senators and Representative the addresses are provided at these links. Postcards are better than letters or cards, because anything in an envelope is delayed for security screening. 

Action #2: Share our Social Media posts from D.C. – look for the hashtag #LTALobbyDays on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Action #3: Reach out to your Members of Congress on Social Media sample message provided.

Action #4: Call your Senators and Representative the phone number, cosponsor status and corresponding call scripts are all provided.

Action #5: Email your Senators and Representative – template letters provided for each, all in one easy form.

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