Coronavirus and the LTA

by Heather on March 16, 2020

Many aspects of our lives have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, however, these unfortunate circumstances may also bring with them a new opportunity to get the LTA signed into law.

With this public health crisis also comes a more urgent need to pass bills like ours!

More than 10 years of data* has overwhelmingly demonstrated that through the use of medical compression lymphedema patients see a greater than 40% reduction in doctor visits, and a greater than 50% reduction in hospitalizations. Our healthcare system may soon be overburdened, so preventive care must be an even higher priority. 

We were incredibly fortunate to have held our annual Lymphedema Lobby Days when we did. We were one of the last groups to meet with members of Congress and health aides before events began to cancel and Congressional offices were closed to the public, meaning the LTA is fresh on their radar.

Another, much larger emergency response package in addition to the one currently awaiting passage in the Senate is expected in the coming weeks. We ask that you stand ready to act quickly if we issue an urgent call to action to contact your own members of Congress, or those from select Congressional Committees. We may have a very small window of opportunity to persuade lawmakers to include the LTA.

We also encourage you to join your state’s advocacy team if you have not already done so. Team members receive additional resources for contacting Congressional staff, and also have direct access to members of our Advocacy Training Committee. And, you can increase your impact while doing everything from home via phone and email.

Thank you for your advocacy!

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group 

Most of the nearly 80 advocates from 30 states who participated in our 2020 Lymphedema Lobby Days are pictured above. Photos from many of their 160+ meetings with Congressional offices can be seen here, and photos from the opening night reception and orientation can be seen here

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