Tweet for the LTA!

by Heather on March 30, 2020

We are continuing to keep in close contact with our bill sponsors and other key congressional offices, vigilantly watching for any possible opportunity to include the LTA in one of the COVID-19 response bills or other swiftly moving legislation destined to become law.

In the mean time, we are preparing ways to mobilize our advocates to take action as quickly as possible, and through as many channels as possible, should such an opportunity arise. 

We’ve just added Twitter to our advocacy toolbox and invite you to give it a try! 

Simply click on the link below to send our pre-written tweet. If you don’t have a Twitter account yet you can sign up for one here. I have a confession – I just joined myself so that I could try it first and it was super quick and easy. Ready to try it too? I hope so!

Send a “Thank You” tweet to your members of Congress cosponsoring the bill, and to urge them to pass the LTA

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group 

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