1-Minute Action Friends and Family can Take to Support the LTA!

by Heather on July 4, 2022

Today, as we celebrate the July 4th holiday, please take less than one minute to sign our pre-written letter to your members of Congress, urging them to pass the Lymphedema Treatment Act this year! 

This action is so quick and easy – it only involves filling in your name and address to match you to your members of Congress – so please ask your friends and family to take action as well. 

Here is the link for others to use: https://www.votervoice.net/LTA/campaigns/90521/respond 

As previously shared, on June 8th, the Lymphedema Treatment Act was placed on the House Consensus Calendar, which means the bill will likely receive a House vote this summer! Click here for more details.

Your continued advocacy will be crucial to getting the bill across the finish line this year. Please send your email today and ask friends and family to do the same!

E-mail Congress to pass the Lymphedema Treatment Act in 2022!

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group

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