Amy’s Story

by Heather on April 23, 2011

22 months front leg before and after

After many years of asking my doctor what was wrong with my legs and being told they were just “fat,” I decided to find out why myself. Thankfully with the Internet and Google searching, I came to the realization that I had lymphedema. I informed my doctor, who in turn did not know what to suggest I do for it. I quickly told my doctor that I read about compression and some type of therapy for my legs. I had private insurance at the time, but even with insurance I was not covered for many things, except for so many physical therapy visits. My bandages were not covered.  I even found out from my therapist that most people had to pay out-of-pocket for the bandages and special-made compression garments. My therapist quickly told me that I did have primary lymphedema and my condition had become very extreme—I had stage 3.

With the condition that my legs were in, I needed more physical therapy visits, but I had to do with what was allowed by insurance. I could not afford to pay out of pocket. I was unable to work at the time because the swelling had become so bad. I even had issues walking. The swelling was so bad that I could only walk in a V shape and about 5 feet. The pain I would often endure was very intense.

I am forever grateful that I was able to get the therapy I needed. In a very short period of time—14 days to be exact—my swelling had gone down and I had lost an amazing 65 pounds of lymph fluid! I was able to walk much better and not on the side of my feet. After my therapy, I decided to put my story online to help others, because I remember doing a search and finding very little about this condition. Over the years, I have encountered literally hundreds of lymphedema patients that are unable to get the treatments they need because of coverage from their insurance and Medicaid/Medicare. Since they cannot get coverage and do not have the out-of-pocket money, they continue to suffer needlessly with lymphedema. This is very discouraging, as insurance will cover complications that come with lymphedema such as ulcers, cellulitis and, in extreme cases, amputation. If private insurance and Medicare/Medicaid is willing to put out so much money for these complications, why are they not covering treatments that are known to work?

I am here to tell you that I know without a doubt if I had not received the proper therapy I needed, I would still be suffering from this condition. Don’t get me wrong, I am not cured by any means, but I can now live with this condition. I need to continue to have access to compression garments for the rest of my life. When you need special garments that are required to be custom-made and measured, they can get expensive.  Often this is not covered by my insurance without having to fight with them. I need these garments to help manage this condition.  I hope that Congress will pass the Lymphedema Treatment Act so that all who suffer will have the opportunity to gain access to care for what can be a very debilitating condition.

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