For Giving Tuesday, Please Give by Calling Your Senators

by Heather on November 28, 2022

For Giving Tuesday, we are not asking for donations. Instead, we are asking you to call your Senators (again this week if you already have), because more calls are urgently needed if we are going to get the Lymphedema Treatment Act through the Senate and signed into law before the end of this Congress in a few weeks! 

Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to our Senate Call Action Alert 
  2. Enter your address, and if it’s your first time taking action with us, follow the prompts to enter the verification code.
  3. Click on the phone icon next to the first Senator’s name – this will not automatically place your call. The phone number to dial and a script will be displayed after you click on the call icon, so you can place your call when you are ready.
  4. After calling, use the drop down menu to log your call, then it will take you back to the first screen.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to call your second Senator.
  6. After completing both calls, click on the big green “Send Message” button. That will notify us that your calls have been completed and enter you into the compression garment drawing, then take you to a confirmation page.

Most offices have after-hours voicemail, so you can call anytime and simply leave a message. We also have a quick video tutorial to show you how our Senate Call Action Alert works, and if you still feel uncertain, watch this comprehensive videowhere members of our board talk through frequently asked questions and demonstrate making a call. 

Tomorrow, on Giving Tuesday, we will be drawing three compression garment winners. For complete details on the prizes, which include custom and standard fit garments for both day and nighttime use, click here. Prizes are transferrable, so ask your friends and family to call too, and if they win they can transfer the prize to you.

Make your calls by midnight tonight using our Senate Call Action Alert to be entered. If you’ve already called, you are welcome to call again, as often as once a day, and we recommend at least once a week. Your Senators need to know how important this is to you. Thank you!

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group

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