Help Spread Awareness in Your Area

by Heather on July 29, 2022

Last week, I was thrilled to join one of our IL Team Members in a radio interview about the Lymphedema Treatment Act with one of his local stations! Word of mouth and local coverage like this is so important in spreading awareness about lymphedema and our bill. Here are some easy ways you can do just that:

  • Share the above radio interview, which provides an update on our progress and encourages listeners to visit our website to take action.
  • Send people directly to our Advocacy Action Center, where they can email their members of Congress and more with a few simple clicks.
  • Order our information cards for handing out to friends, family, colleagues, and your healthcare providers, or download and print materials from our Increasing Awareness page.
  • Contact your local radio and TV news outlets and encourage them to do a story about lymphedema and the Lymphedema Treatment Act.
  • Send a letter to the editor using our form that will submit to all publications within a 50 mile radius of your address.

Now that the Lymphedema Treatment Act has been passed out of committee, advocate engagement will be even more crucial. If we don’t get the bill signed into law by the end of this year we will have to start over again in the new Congress next January. Thank you for everything you do, and for encouraging others to get involved!

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group 

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