House Committee Vote on the LTA is TODAY!

by Heather on July 13, 2022

As announced yesterday in the message below, the Lymphedema Treatment Act will receive a House Committee vote today! The Committee proceedings are scheduled to begin at 11:00am eastern time and can be watched live via the link that will be posted on this page shortly before start time. 

The schedule is subject to changes, but we have been told to expect about 20 minutes of opening statements, after which the Lymphedema Treatment Act will be the first bill to be debated and voted on.  If your Representative is a member of this committee (see below) and you have not called his or her office yet, you can still do so prior to the start of the proceedings.

Thank you – your advocacy made this happen!

It was just announced that tomorrow – Wednesday, July 13th – the Lymphedema Treatment Act will be voted on by the House Energy & Commerce Committee that has primary jurisdiction over our bill! You can read the committee notice here.

Calls are urgently needed to these members’ offices! If your Representative is a member of this committee (see list below) it is critical that they hear from you right now.

Click Here for the Phone Number and Simple Script

We need to flood these offices with phone calls, to ensure that these members vote “YES” to pass the bill out of committee. This is the first in a series of votes to get the bill signed into law this year, and we must prevail for the bill to advance.

If you are unable to call during business hours, or would just feel more comfortable leaving an after hours voice mail, that is perfectly fine, and your call will still count! If you know someone who might live in one of these districts please forward them this email and ask them to call too. Offices keep a tally of calls on each bill, so every single one matters!

Call E&C Committee Members and Urge Them to Vote YES!

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group

These are the members of the House Energy & Commerce Committee 
who will be voting on the Lymphedema Treatment Act on July 13th:

AL-06 Gary Palmer – R
AZ-01 Tom O’Halleran – D
AZ-08 Debbie Lesko – R
CA-06 Doris Matsui – D
CA-09 Jerry McNerney – D
CA-18 Anna Eshoo – D
CA-29 Tony Cardenas – D
CA-36 Dr. Raul Ruiz – D
CA-44 Nanette Barragan – D
CA-52 Scott Peters – D
CO-01 Diana DeGette – D
DE-At Large Lisa Blunt Rochester – D
FL-02 Neal Dunn – R
FL-09 Darren Soto – D
FL-12 Gus Bilirakis – R
FL-14 Kathy Castor – D
GA-01 Earl “Buddy” Carter – R
IL-01 Bobby L. Rush – D
IL-09 Jan Schakowsky – D
IL-16 Adam Kinzinger – R
IN-06 Greg Pence – R
IN-08 Larry Bucshon – R
KY-02 Brett Guthrie – R
LA-01 Steve Scalise – R
MA-03 Lori Trahan – D
MD-03 John P. Sarbanes – D
MI-06 Fred Upton – R
MI-07 Tim Walberg – R
MI-12 Debbie Dingell – D
MN-02 Angela Craig – D
MO-07 Billy Long – R
NC-01 G.K. Butterfield – D
NC-08 Richard Hudson – R
ND-At Large Mr. Kelly Armstrong – R
NH-02 Ann Kuster – D
NJ-06 Frank Pallone Jr. – D
NY-04 Kathleen Rice – D
NY-09 Yvette Clarke – D
NY-20 Paul Tonko – D
OH-05 Robert E. Latta – R
OH-06 Bill Johnson – R
OK-02 Markwayne Mullin – R
OR-05 Kurt Schrader – D
PA-13 John Joyce – R
PA-18 Michael Doyle – D
SC-03 Jeff Duncan – R
TX-02 Dan Crenshaw – R
TX-07 Lizzie Fletcher -D
TX-26 Michael Burgess, MD – R
TX-33 Marc Veasey – D
UT-03 John Curtis – R
VA-04 Donald McEachin – D
VA-09 Morgan Griffith – R
VT-At Large Peter Welch – D
WA-05 Cathy McMorris Rodgers – R
WA-08 Dr. Kim Schrier – D
WV-01 David McKinley – R



The most effective things you can say are why your doctor prescribed compression garments are essential to your health and quality of life. The focus should be on their medical necessity, and how they enable you to manage your lymphedema, prevent complications like infections, keep you able to work, take care of your family, etc. – whatever is most applicable for you. 

The most important thing to avoid saying is that they are expensive. Cost, or a person’s ability to afford to pay out of pocket, is not a reason why something should be covered by insurance, only medical necessity is. Keep the focus on compression garments being essential for the treatment and management of lymphedema, just as insulin is for a diabetic.

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