I was diagnosed with lymphedema prae cox 45 years ago. I was told that I was born with damaged lymph glands in my legs at the Mayo clinic in Rochester, MN. At the age of 22. I was told I would never be able to continue full time teaching and raise a family at the same time. Five years later I had to give up teaching in order to have a family. Even without teaching it was very challenging raising a family while coping with the pain and swelling of lymphedema. The compression garments kept me going but I still had weeks in the hospital and spent several hours every day trying to keep the swelling in control.
After 45years I still spend much time keeping the swelling at a minimum in order to prevent the skin from weeping which could lead to open sores, infection and possible amputation. I must wear the compression garment , a custom fitted, two-legged pantyhose, for at least 12hrs. a day. Without my garment on I must stay in bed with legs elevated to prevent swelling. I also wrap my legs in bandages every night before going to sleep to reduce swelling even more.
I recently went on Medicare and was told Medicare would not even pay for part of the $1,700 per pair. ( I need four pair a year which will cost me $6,800 a year just for the garments) my husband and I are both retired. This is a major medical expense for us , which is not covered.
These garments prevent major medical bills for hospital care or even nursing home care. They will save the government money in the long run. That is why it is so important to pass the Lymphedema Treatment Act.
Mary’s Story
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