Over the last two weeks, four more Senators have come on board, bringing us to 45% of our goal in the Senate!
See if your members of Congress have signed on: 27 Senate cosponsors / 240 House cosponsors
Congress is in session throughout September, then recess until after the election. If all three of your members (both of your Senators and your Representative) are not yet cosponors of the LTA, please contact them again and ask them to sign on this month!
Leave a phone message such as the following with each office (and feel free to add your own comments):
“Please cosponsor the Lymphedema Treatment Act (S2373/HR1608), to reduce healthcare costs while improving patient care. Compression supplies and garments are vital to the treatment and management of lymphedema.”
* Phone numbers for Senators
* Phone numbers for Representatives
Prefer email? If you join your State Team we’ll provide you with the direct email address for the Health Legistaive Aide in each of your congressional offices. To learn more about our teams (which are completely free to join), and sign up, visit our State Teams page.
Together, we can pass the Lymphedema Treatment Act!
Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group