New Action Alerts – EMAIL and/or TWEET Congress!

by Heather on April 24, 2020

Congress is beginning to work on the next COVID-19 response package, and it is expected to have a broader focus than previous coronavirus-related legislation. 

Please contact your members of Congress and
ask them to include the Lymphedema Treatment Act!

Lymphedema patients need compression to stay healthy, and under current circumstances preventative care must be an even higher priority! More than 10 years of data has overwhelmingly demonstrated that through the use of medical compression lymphedema patients see a greater than 40% reduction in doctor and therapy visits, and a greater than 50% reduction in hospitalizations.*

Use our new Email and Twitter Action Alerts to send a message to your members of Congress simply by filling in your name and contact information. Pre-written templates are provided. If you are not on Twitter yet you can sign up here

Send an Email to Your Members of Congress

Send a Tweet to Your Members of Congress

 Thank you for your advocacy!

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group
Visit our Website

Cost-Savings Attributable to the Use of Compression Garments

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