NEW Article about the LTA and the Necessity of Compression Garments

by Heather on August 10, 2022

We are pleased to share with you an article authored by our group entitled The Necessity of Compression Garments in Managing Lymphedema, which was recently published in the Journal of Cancer Rehabilitation. The article discusses the significance of compression garments in treating lymphedema from all causes, not just cancer, as well as the importance of closing insurance coverage gaps for these vital supplies. 

In case you missed it, this 5-minute must-watch video will bring tears to your eyes! It has excerpts of members of Congress speaking in support of the Lymphedema Treatment Act before it was voted on and unanimously passed out of the House Energy & Commerce Committee on July 13th

Throughout the month, while Congress is in recess, there will be opportunities to speak directly to members of Congress at both virtual and in-person Town Halls, as well as at other local events. Here’s how to find out about events near you, many of which may be announced with very little notice:

  1. Check the website Town Hall Project at least weekly, and subscribe to be automatically notified if one of your members of Congress has an upcoming event. ***Constituents can often submit questions in advance, and our advocates have had very good luck having their questions chosen when they do! Most members are eager to discuss a bipartisan issue that personally affects their constituent.***
  2. Subscribe to your members’ newsletters. You can do this by visiting their website, which you can find using a search engine or by visiting the main Houseand Senate websites.
  3. Follow your members of Congress on social media. Sometimes events are announced there first, and some members even hold virtual Town Halls through Facebook Live.
  4. Watch for members participate in or make appearances at public events such as parades and county or state fairs.

Speaking with members who are already cosponsors is just as important as meeting with members who are not supporting the bill yet! We need cosponsoring members to help us ensure that the bill gets a vote in the full House and Senate by the end of the year, and to vote for it when that time comes. If the bill is not signed into law during this Congress then we have to start all over in the next Congress.

If you are planning to attend an event and would like help preparing please let us know, and we’d be happy to assist you. Thank you so much for your continued advocacy!

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group

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