Please Call Congress Today!

by Heather on April 28, 2020

Congressional leadership has given member offices a deadline of the end of this week for submission of priorities for the next legislative package! That’s not to say that anything will be final after this week, but offices need to hear from us now!

Please call your members of Congress using the information below
and ask them to include the Lymphedema Treatment Act!

Calling is the most effective means of communication, but if you didn’t have a chance to do so last week, you can also use our new Email and Twitter Action Alerts to send a message to your members of Congress simply by filling in your name and contact information. If you are not on Twitter yet you can sign up here

A call script and phone list is below. If your call goes to voice mail leave a message, it will be collected.

Your voice makes a difference, please make your calls today!

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group

Customize the gray text for each office and your personal situation.

“Thank you for (Representative/Senator name) efforts to protect the public health during this crisis (and for his/her cosponsorship of the Lymphedema Treatment Act)

I’m calling to ask that the Lymphedema Treatment Act be included in the next appropriate coronavirus response package. The bill numbers are H.R.1948 in the House, and S.518 in the Senate.

(One sentence stating your relationship to lymphedema.)

(If you or the patient(s) you are speaking about have experienced increased difficulty managing your/their lymphedema due to the coronavirus explain very briefly here.)

This bill will help lymphedema patients remain healthy and avoid unnecessary hospitalizations and other complications at a time when reducing the burden on our health care system is the highest priority. Preventative care is more important than ever.

Will you please pass on this message to your health staff?”

* If you are unsure who your Representative is click here and enter your zip code.*

AK-At Large Don Young 202-225-5765 Cosponsor
AK-Senate: Lisa Murkowski, 202-224-6665  Cosponsor
AK-Senate: Dan Sullivan, 202-224-3004  Cosponsor

AL-01 Bradley Byrne 202-225-4931 Cosponsor
AL-02 Martha Roby 202-225-2901
AL-03 Mike Rogers 202-225-3261
AL-04 Robert Aderholt 202-225-4876  Cosponsor
AL-05 Mo Brooks 202-225-4801  Cosponsor
AL-06 Gary Palmer 202-225-4921
AL-07 Terri A. Sewell 202-225-2665  Cosponsor
AL-Senate: Richard Shelby, 202-224-5744
AL-Senate: Doug Jones, 202-224-4124  Cosponsor

AR-01 Rick Crawford 202-225-4076  Cosponsor
AR-02 French Hill 202-225-2506 Cosponsor
AR-03 Steve Womack 202-225-4301 Cosponsor
AR-04 Bruce Westerman 202-225-3772 Cosponsor
AR-Senate: Tom Cotton, 202- 224-2353  Cosponsor
AR-Senate: John Boozman, 202- 224-4843  Cosponsor

AS (American Samoa) Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen  202-225-8577 Cosponsor

AZ-01 Tom O’Halleran 202-225-3361  Cosponsor
AZ-02 Ann Kirkpatrick 202-225-2542  Cosponsor
AZ-03 Raul Grijalva 202-225-2435 Cosponsor
AZ-04 Paul A. Gosar 202-225-2315  Cosponsor
AZ-05 Andy Biggs 202-225-2635
AZ-06 David Schweikert 202-225-2190 Cosponsor
AZ-07 Rueban Gallego 202-225-4065 Cosponsor
AZ-08 Debbie Lesko 202-225-4576  Cosponsor
AZ-09 Greg Stanton 202-225-9888  Cosponsor
AZ-Senate: Martha McSally, 202-224-2235  Cosponsor
AZ-Senate: Kyrsten Sinema, 202- 224-4521  Cosponsor

CA-01 Doug LaMalfa 202-225-3076  Cosponsor
CA-02 Jared Huffman 202-225-5161  Cosponsor
CA-03 John Garamendi 202-225-1880 Cosponsor
CA-04 Tom McClintock 202-225-2511
CA-05 Mike Thompson 202-225-3311 Cosponsor
CA-06 Doris Matsui 202-225-7163 Cosponsor
CA-07 Ami Bera 202-225-5716  Cosponsor
CA-08 Paul Cook 202-225-5861  Cosponsor
CA-09 Jerry McNerney 202-225-1947  Cosponsor
CA-10 Joshua Harder 202-225-4540  Cosponsor
CA-11 Mark DeSaulnier 202-225-2095   Cosponsor
CA-12 Nancy Pelosi 202-225-4965
CA-13 Barbara Lee 202-225-2661  Cosponsor
CA-14 Jackie Speier 202-225-3531 Cosponsor
CA-15 Eric Swalwell 202-225-5065 Cosponsor
CA-16 Jim Costa 202-225-3341  Cosponsor
CA-17 Ro Khanna 202-225-2631 Cosponsor
CA-18 Anna Eshoo 202-225-8104
CA-19 Zoe Lofgren 202-225-3072  Cosponsor
CA-20 Jimmy Panetta 202-225-2861  Cosponsor
CA-21 TJ Cox 202-225-4695  Cosponsor
CA-22 Devin Nunes 202-225-2523
CA-23 Kevin McCarthy 202-225-2915
CA-24 Salud Carbajal 202-225-3601 Cosponsor
CA-25 Katie Hill 202-225-1956 Cosponsor
CA-26 Julia Brownley 202-225-5811 Cosponsor
CA-27 Judy Chu 202-225-5464  Cosponsor
CA-28 Adam Schiff 202-225-4176 Cosponsor
CA-29 Tony Cardenas 202-225-6131 Cosponsor
CA-30 Brad Sherman 202-225-5911  Cosponsor
CA-31 Pete Aguilar 202-225-320  Cosponsor
CA-32 Grace Napolitano 202-225-5256 Cosponsor
CA-33 Ted Lieu 202-225-3976 Cosponsor
CA-34 Jimmy Gomez 202-225-6235
CA-35 Norma Torres 202-225-6161  Cosponsor
CA-36 Raul Ruiz 202-225-5330 Cosponsor
CA-37 Karen Bass 202-225-7084 Cosponsor
CA-38 Linda Sanchez 202-225-6676  Cosponsor
CA-39 Gilbert Cisneros 202-225-4111
CA-40 Lucille Roybal-Allard 202-225-1766  Cosponsor
CA-41 Mark Takano 202-225-2305  Cosponsor
CA-42 Ken Calvert 202-225-1986 Cosponsor
CA-43 Maxine Waters 202-225-2201  Cosponsor
CA-44 Nanette Barragan 202-225-8220 Cosponsor
CA-45 Katie Porter 202-225-5611 Cosponsor
CA-46 Luis Correa 202-225-2965 Cosponsor
CA-47 Alan Lowenthal 202-225-7924  Cosponsor
CA-48 Harley Rouda 202-225-2415  Cosponsor
CA-49 Mike Levin 202-225-3906 Cosponsor
CA-50 Duncan D. Hunter 202-225-5672  Cosponsor
CA-51 Juan Vargas 202-225-8045  Cosponsor
CA-52 Scott Peters 202-225-0508  Cosponsor
CA-53 Susan Davis 202-225-2040 Cosponsor
CA-Senate: Dianne Feinstein, 202-224-3841  Cosponsor
CA-Senate: Kamala Harris, 202- 224-3553  Cosponsor

CO-01 Diana DeGette 202-225-4431  Cosponsor
CO-02 Joseph Neguse 202-225-2161 Cosponsor
CO-03 Scott Tipton 202-225-4761  Cosponsor
CO-04 Ken Buck 202-225-4676
CO-05 Doug Lamborn 202-225-4422 Cosponsor
CO-06 Jason Crow 202-225-7882  Cosponsor
CO-07 Ed Perlmutter 202-225-2645  Cosponsor
CO-Senate: Cory Gardner, 202-224-5941
CO-Senate: Michael Bennet, 202-224-5852  Cosponsor

CT-01 John B. Larson 202-225-2265  Cosponsor
CT-02 Joe Courtney 202-225-2076  Cosponsor
CT-03 Rosa DeLauro 202-225-3661  Cosponsor
CT-04 Jim Himes 202-225-5541  Cosponsor
CT-05 Jahana Hayes 202-225-4476 Cosponsor
CT-Senate: Chris Murphy, 202-224-4041  Cosponsor
CT-Senate: Richard Blumenthal, 202- 224-2823  Cosponsor

DC-District of Columbia Eleanor Holmes Norton 202-225-8050  Cosponsor

DE-At Large Lisa Blunt Rochester 202-225-4165 Cosponsor
DE-Senate: Chris Coons, 202-224-5042  Cosponsor
DE-Senate: Tom Carper, 202- 224-2441  Cosponsor

FL-01 Matt Gaetz 202-225-4136 Cosponsor
FL-02 Neal Dunn 202-225-5235  Cosponsor
FL-03 Ted S. Yoho 202-225-5744 Cosponsor
FL-04 John Rutherford 202-225-2501 Cosponsor
FL-05 Al Lawson 202-225-0123 Cosponsor
FL-06 Michael Watlz 202-225-2706 Cosponsor
FL-07 Stephanie Murphy 202-225-4035  Cosponsor
FL-08 Bill Posey 202-225-3671 Cosponsor
FL-09 Darren Soto 202-225-9889  Cosponsor
FL-10 Val Demings 202-225-2176  Cosponsor
FL-11 Daniel Webster 202-225-1002  Cosponsor
FL-12 Gus Bilirakis 202-225-5755  Cosponsor
FL-13 Charlie Crist 202-225-5961  Cosponsor
FL-14 Kathy Castor 202-225-3376  Cosponsor
FL-15 Ross Spano 202-225-1252  Cosponsor
FL-16 Vern Buchanan 202-225-5015  Cosponsor
FL-17 Gregory W. Steube 202-225-5792  Cosponsor
FL-18 Brian Mast 202-225-3026 Cosponsor
FL-19 Francis Rooney 202-225-2536 Cosponsor
FL-20 Alcee L. Hastings 202-225-1313 Cosponsor
FL-21 Lois Frankel 202-225-9890 Cosponsor
FL-22 Theodore Deutch 202-225-3001 Cosponsor
FL-23 Debbie Wasserman Schultz 202-225-7931  Cosponsor
FL-24 Frederica Wilson 202-225-4506  Cosponsor
FL-25 Mario Diaz-Balart 202-225-4211 Cosponsor
FL-26 Debbie Mucarsel-Powell 202-225-2778 Cosponsor
FL-27 Donna Shalala 202-225-3931  Cosponsor
FL-Senate: Marco Rubio, 202- 224-3041  Cosponsor
FL-Senate: Rick Scott, 202- 224-5274 Cosponsor

GA-01 Earl “Buddy” Carter 202-225-5831 Co-lead Sponsor
GA-02 Sanford D. Bishop Jr. 202-225-3631  Cosponsor
GA-03 Drew Ferguson 202-225-5901  Cosponsor
GA-04 Henry C. “Hank” Johnson Jr. 202-225-1605  Cosponsor
GA-05 John Lewis 202-225-3801 Cosponsor
GA-06 Lucy McBath 202-225-4501  Cosponsor
GA-07 Robert Woodall 202-225-4272  Cosponsor
GA-08 Austin Scott 202-225-6531 Cosponsor
GA-09 Doug Collins 202-225-9893  Cosponsor
GA-10 Jody Hice 202-225-4101  Cosponsor
GA-11 Barry Loudermilk 202-225-2931  Cosponsor
GA-12 Rick Allen 202-225-2823  Cosponsor
GA-13 David Scott 202-225-2939 Cosponsor
GA-14 Tom Graves 202-225-5211  Cosponsor
GA-Senate: David Perdue, 202-224-3521
GA-Senate: Kelly Loeffler, 202- 224-3643

GU (Guam) Michael San Nicolas 202-225-1188

HI-01 Ed Case 202-225-2726  Cosponsor
HI-02 Tulsi Gabbard 202-225-4906 Cosponsor
HI-Senate: Brian Schatz, 202- 224-3934  Cosponsor
HI-Senate: Mazie Hirono, 202-224-6361  Cosponsor

IA-01 Abby Finkenauer 202-225-2911  Cosponsor
IA-02 Dave Loebsack 202-225-6576 Cosponsor
IA-03 Cynthia Axne 202-225-5476 Cosponsor
IA-04 Steve King 202-225-4426 Cosponsor
IA-Senate: Joni Ernst, 202-224-3254  Cosponsor
IA-Senate: Chuck Grassley, 202-224-3744

ID-01 Russ Fulcher 202-225-6611
ID-02 Mike Simpson 202-225-5531  Cosponsor
ID-Senate: Jim Risch, 202-224-2752
ID-Senate: Mike Crapo, 202-224-6142

IL-01 Bobby L. Rush 202-225-4372 Cosponsor
IL-02 Robin Kelly 202-225-0773 Cosponsor
IL-03 Daniel Lipinski 202-225-5701 Cosponsor
IL-04 Jesús “Chuy” Garcia 202-225-8203  Cosponsor
IL-05 Mike Quigley 202-225-4061 Cosponsor
IL-06 Sean Casten 202-225-4561  Cosponsor
IL-07 Danny K Davis 202-225-5006  Cosponsor
IL-08 Raja Krishnamoorthi 202-225-3711  Cosponsor
IL-09 Janice Schakowsky 202-225-2111 Lead Sponsor
IL-10 Bradley Schneider 202-225-4835  Cosponsor
IL-11 Bill Foster 202-225-3515 Cosponsor
IL-12 Mike Bost 202-225-5661 Cosponsor
IL-13 Rodney Davis 202-225-2371 Cosponsor
IL-14 Lauren Underwood 202-225-2976  Cosponsor
IL-15 John Shimkus 202-225-5271
IL-16 Adam Kinzinger 202-225-3635  Cosponsor
IL-17 Cheri Bustos 202-225-5905 Cosponsor
IL-18 Darin LaHood 202-225-6201  Cosponsor
IL-Senate: Dick Durbin, 202-224-2152  Cosponsor
IL-Senate: Tammy Duckworth, 202-224-2854  Cosponsor

IN-01 Peter J. Visclosky 202-225-2461 Cosponsor
IN-02 Jackie Walorski 202-225-3915  Cosponsor
IN-03 Jim Banks 202-225-4436  Cosponsor
IN-04 James Baird 202-225-5037  Cosponsor
IN-05 Susan W. Brooks 202-225-2276 Cosponsor
IN-06 Greg Pence 202-225-3021  Cosponsor
IN-07 Andre Carson 202-225-4011  Cosponsor
IN-08 Larry Bucshon 202-225-4636 Cosponsor
IN-09 Trey Hollingsworth 202-225-5315  Cosponsor
IN-Senate: Todd Young, 202-224-5623  Co-lead Sponsor
IN-Senate: Mike Braun, 202-224-4814

KS-01 Roger Marshall 202-225-2715 Cosponsor
KS-02 Steve Watkins 202-225-6601  Cosponsor
KS-03 Sharice Davids 202-225-2865 Cosponsor
KS-04 Ron Estes 202-225-6216  Cosponsor
KS-Senate: Pat Roberts, 202-224-4774
KS-Senate: Jerry Moran, 202-224-6521  Cosponsor

KY-01 James Comer 202-225-3115  Cosponsor
KY-02 Brett Guthrie 202-225-3501  Cosponsor
KY-03 John Yarmuth 202-225-5401 Cosponsor
KY-04 Thomas Massie 202-225-3465 Cosponsor
KY-05 Hal Rogers 202-225-4601  Cosponsor
KY-06 Andy Barr 202-225-4706
KY-Senate: Rand Paul, 202-224-4343
KY-Senate: Mitch McConnell, 202-224-2541

LA-01 Steve Scalise 202-225-3015
LA-02 Cedric Richmond 202-225-6636  Cosponsor
LA-03 Clay Higgins 202-225-2031
LA-04 Mike Johnson 202-225-2777  Cosponsor
LA-05 Ralph Abraham 202-225-8490  Cosponsor
LA-06 Garret Graves 202-225-3901  Cosponsor
LA-Senate: Bill Cassidy, 202-224-5824
LA-Senate: John Kennedy, 202-224-4623

MA-01 Richard Neal 202-225-5601
MA-02 James McGovern 202-225-6101  Cosponsor
MA-03 Lori Trahan 202-225-3411  Cosponsor
MA-04 Joseph P. Kennedy III 202-225-5931  Cosponsor
MA-05 Kathrine Clark 202-225-2836  Cosponsor
MA-06 Seth Moulton 202-225-8020 Cosponsor
MA-07 Ayanna Pressley 202-225-5111 Cosponsor
MA-08 Steven Lynch 202-225-8273  Cosponsor
MA-09 William Keating 202-225-3111  Cosponsor
MA-Senate: Elizabeth Warren, 202-224-4543  Cosponsor
MA-Senate: Ed Markey, 202-224-2742  Cosponsor

MD-01 Andy Harris 202-225-5311  Cosponsor
MD-02 Dutch Ruppersberger 202-225-3061  Cosponsor
MD-03 John P. Sarbanes 202-225-4016  Cosponsor
MD-04 Anthony Brown 202-225-8699  Cosponsor
MD-05 Steny Hoyer 202-225-4131
MD-06 David Trone 202-225-2721  Cosponsor
MD-07 VACANT 202-225-4741 Cosponsor
MD-08 Jamie Raskin 202-225-5341 Cosponsor
MD-Senate: Chris Van Hollen, 202-224-4654  Cosponsor
MD-Senate: Ben Cardin, 202-224-4524  Cosponsor

ME-01 Chellie Pingree 202-225-6116  Cosponsor
ME-02 Jared Golden 202-225-6306  Cosponsor
ME-Senate: Susan Collins, 202-224-2523
ME-Senate: Angus King, 202-224-5344  Cosponsor

MI-01 Jack Bergman 202-225-4735 Cosponsor
MI-02 Bill Huizenga 202-225-4401 Cosponsor
MI-03 Justin Amash 202-225-3831
MI-04 John Moolenaar 202-225-3561  Cosponsor
MI-05 Daniel Kildee 202-225-3611 Cosponsor
MI-06 Fred Upton 202-225-3761
MI-07 Tim Walberg 202-225-6276  Cosponsor
MI-08 Elissa Slotkin 202-225-4872 Cosponsor
MI-09 Andy Levin 202-225-4961  Cosponsor
MI-10 Paul Mitchell 202-225-2106 Cosponsor
MI-11 Haley Stevens 202-225-8171  Cosponsor
MI-12 Debbie Dingell 202-225-4071 Cosponsor
MI-13 Rashida Tlaib 202-225-5126  Cosponsor
MI-14 Brenda Lawrence 202-225-5802  Cosponsor
MI-Senate: Gary Peters, 202-224-6221  Cosponsor
MI-Senate: Debbie Stabenow, 202-224-4822  Cosponsor

MN-01 Jim Hagedorn 202-225-2472  Cosponsor
MN-02 Angela Craig 202-225-2271  Cosponsor
MN-03 Dean Phillips 202-225-2871  Cosponsor
MN-04 Betty McCollum 202-225-6631 Cosponsor
MN-05 Ilhan Omar 202-225-4755  Cosponsor
MN-06 Tom Emmer 202-225-2331  Cosponsor
MN-07 Collin Peterson 202-225-2165  Cosponsor
MN-08 Peter Stauber 202-225-6211  Cosponsor
MN-Senate: Tina Smith, 202-224-5641  Cosponsor
MN-Senate: Amy Klobuchar, 202-224-3244  Cosponsor

MO-01 William “Lacy” Clay Jr. 202-225-2406  Cosponsor
MO-02 Ann Wagner 202-225-1621  Cosponsor
MO-03 Blaine Luetkemeyer 202-225-2956  Cosponsor
MO-04 Vicky Hartzler 202-225-2876  Cosponsor
MO-05 Emanual Cleaver 202-225-4535 Cosponsor
MO-06 Sam Graves 202-225-7041  Cosponsor
MO-07 Billy Long 202-225-6536  Cosponsor
MO-08 Jason Smith 202-225-4404  Cosponsor
MO-Senate: Josh Hawley, 202-224-6154  Cosponsor
MO-Senate: Roy Blunt, 202-224-5721  Cosponsor

MP-Northern Mariana Islands Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan 202-225-2646 Cosponsor

MS-01 Trent Kelly 202-225-4306  Cosponsor
MS-02 Bennie Thompson 202-225-5876  Cosponsor
MS-03 Michael Guest 202-225-5031 Cosponsor
MS-04 Steven Palazzo 202-225-5772 Cosponsor
MS-Senate: Cindy Hyde-Smith, 202-224-5054  Cosponsor
MS-Senate: Roger Wicker, 202-224-6253  Cosponsor

MT- At Large Greg Gianforte 202-225-3211 Cosponsor
MT-Senate: Steve Daines, 202-224-2651  Cosponsor
MT-Senate: Jon Tester, 202-224-2644 Cosponsor

NC-01 G.K. Butterfield 202-225-3101 Cosponsor
NC-02 George Holding 202-225-3032 Cosponsor
NC-03 Greg Murphy 202-225-3415  Cosponsor
NC-04 David Price 202-225-1784 Cosponsor
NC-05 Viginia Foxx 202-225-2071
NC-06 Mark Walker 202-225-3065
NC-07 David Rouzer 202-225-2731  Cosponsor
NC-08 Richard Hudson 202-225-3715  Cosponsor
NC-09 Dan Bishop 202-225-1976
NC-10 Patrick McHenry 202-225-2576
NC-11 Mark Meadows 202-225-6401  Cosponsor
NC-12 Alma Adams 202-225-1510 Cosponsor
NC-13 Ted Budd 202-225-4531  Cosponsor
NC-Senate: Richard Burr, 202-224-3154, then enter #2
NC-Senate: Thom Tillis, 202-224-6342  Cosponsor

ND-At Large Kelly Armstrong 202-225-2611 Cosponsor
ND-Senate: Kevin Cramer, 202-224-2043  Cosponsor
ND-Senate: John Hoeven, 202-224-2551  Cosponsor

NE-01 Jeff Fortenberry 202-225-4806  Cosponsor
NE-02 Don Bacon 202-225-4155  Cosponsor
NE-03 Adrian Smith 202-225-6435 Cosponsor
NE-Senate: Deb Fischer, 202-224-6551  Cosponsor
NE-Senate: Ben Sasse, 202-224-4224

NH-01 Chris Pappas 202-225-5456  Cosponsor
NH-02 Ann Kuster 202-225-5206  Cosponsor
NH-Senate: Jeanne Shaheen, 202-224-2841  Cosponsor
NH-Senate: Margaret Wood Hassan, 202-224-3324  Cosponsor

NJ-01 Donald Norcross 202-225-6501  Cosponsor
NJ-02 Jefferson Van Drew 202-225-6572  Cosponsor
NJ-03 Andy Kim 202-225-4765  Cosponsor
NJ-04 Christopher Smith 202-225-3765  Cosponsor
NJ-05 Josh Gottheimer 202-225-4465 Cosponsor
NJ-06 Frank Pallone Jr. 202-225-4671
NJ-07 Tomaz Malinowski 202-225-5361 Cosponsor
NJ-08 Albio Sires 202-225-7919   Cosponsor
NJ-09 Bill Pascrell Jr. 202-225-5751  Cosponsor
NJ-10 Donald Payne 202-225-3436  Cosponsor
NJ-11 Mikie Sherrill 202-225-5034  Cosponsor
NJ-12 Bonnie Watson Coleman 202-225-5801  Cosponsor
NJ-Senate: Cory Booker, 202-224-3224  Cosponsor
NJ-Senate: Bob Menendez, 202-224-4744  Cosponsor

NM-01 Debra Haaland 202-225-6316  Cosponsor
NM-02 Xochitl Torres Small 202-225-2365  Cosponsor
NM-03 Ben Ray Lujan 202-225-6190  Cosponsor
NM-Senate: Tom Udall, 202-224-6621 Cosponsor
NM-Senate: Martin Heinrich, 202-224-5521 Cosponsor

NV-01 Dina Titus 202-225-5965  Cosponsor
NV-02 Mark Amodei 202-225-6155  Cosponsor
NV-03 Susie Lee 202-225-3252  Cosponsor
NV-04 Steven Horsford 202-225-9894
NV-Senate: Jacky Rosen, 202-224-6244  Cosponsor
NV-Senate: Catherine Cortez Masto, 202-224-3542  Cosponsor

NY-01 Lee Zeldin 202-225-3826 Cosponsor
NY-02 Peter King 202-225-7896 Cosponsor
NY-03 Thomas Suozzi 202-225-3335 Cosponsor
NY-04 Kathleen Rice 202-225-5516 Cosponsor
NY-05 Gregory W. Meeks 202-225-3461  Cosponsor
NY-06 Grace Meng 202-225-2601  Cosponsor
NY-07 Nydia M. Velazquez 202-225-2361  Cosponsor
NY-08 Hakeem S. Jeffries 202-225-5936  Cosponsor
NY-09 Yvette Clarke 202-225-6231  Cosponsor
NY-10 Jerrold Nadler 202-225-5635 Cosponsor
NY-11 Max Rose 202-225-3371 Cosponsor
NY-12 Carolyn B. Maloney 202-225-7944 Cosponsor
NY-13 Adriano Espaillat 202-225-4365  Cosponsor
NY-14 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 202-225-3965  Cosponsor
NY-15 Jose E. Serrano 202-225-4361  Cosponsor
NY-16 Elliot Engel 202-225-2464 Cosponsor
NY-17 Nita Lowey 202-225-6506  Cosponsor
NY-18 Sean Patrick Maloney 202-225-5441 Cosponsor
NY-19 Antonio Delgado 202-225-5614  Cosponsor
NY-20 Paul Tonko 202-225-5076 Cosponsor
NY-21 Elise Stefanik 202-225-4611  Cosponsor
NY-22 Anthony Brindisi 202-225-3665  Cosponsor
NY-23 Tom Reed 202-225-3161
NY-24 John Katko 202-225-3701 Cosponsor
NY-25 Joseph Morelle 202-225-3615 Cosponsor
NY-26 Brian Higgins 202-225-3306  Cosponsor
NY-27 VACANT 202-225-5265  Cosponsor
NY-Senate: Kirsten Gillibrand, 202-224-4451  Cosponsor
NY-Senate: Chuck Schumer, 202-224-6542  Cosponsor

OH-01 Steve Chabot 202-225-2216
OH-02 Brad Wenstrup 202-225-3164 Cosponsor
OH-03 Joyce Beatty 202-225-4324  Cosponsor
OH-04 Jim Jordan 202-225-2676
OH-05 Robert E. Latta 202-225-6405  Cosponsor
OH-06 Bill Johnson 202-225-5705 Cosponsor
OH-07 Rob Gibbs 202-225-6265  Cosponsor
OH-08 Warren Davidson 202-225-6205
OH-09 Marcy Kaptur 202-225-4146  Cosponsor
OH-10 Michael Turner 202-225-6465 Cosponsor
OH-11 Marcia Fudge 202-225-7032  Cosponsor
OH-12 Troy Balderson 202-225-5355  Cosponsor
OH-13 Tim Ryan 202-225-5261 Cosponsor
OH-14 David P. Joyce 202-225-5731 Cosponsor
OH-15 Steve Stivers 202-225-2015  Cosponsor
OH-16 Anthony Gonzalez 202-225-3876
OH-Senate: Sherrod Brown, 202-224-2315  Cosponsor
OH-Senate: Rob Portman, 202-224-3353

OK-01 Kevin Hern 202-225-2211 Cosponsor
OK-02 Markwayne Mullin 202-225-2701 Cosponsor
OK-03 Frank Lucas 202-225-5565  Cosponsor
OK-04 Thomas Cole 202-225-6165 Cosponsor
OK-05 Kendra Horn 202-225-2132  Cosponsor
OK-Senate: Jim Inhofe, 202-224-4721  Cosponsor
OK-Senate: James Lankford, 202-224-5754  Cosponsor

OR-01 Suzanne Bonamici 202-225-0855 Cosponsor
OR-02 Greg Walden 202-225-6730
OR-03 Earl Blumenauer 202-225-4811 Co-lead Sponsor
OR-04 Peter A. DeFazio 202-225-6416 Cosponsor
OR-05 Kurt Schrader 202-225-5711  Cosponsor
OR-Senate: Jeff Merkley, 202-224-3753  Cosponsor
OR-Senate: Ron Wyden, 202-224-5244

PA-01 Brian Fitzpatrick 202-225-4276 Cosponsor
PA-02 Brendan Boyle 202-225-6111 Cosponsor
PA-03 Dwight Evans 202-225-4001  Cosponsor
PA-04 Madeleine Dean 202-225-4731  Cosponsor
PA-05 Mary Gay Scanlon 202- 225-2011  Cosponsor
PA-06 Chrissy Houlahan 202-225-4315  Cosponsor
PA-07 Susan Wild 202-225-6411  Cosponsor
PA-08 Matt Cartwright 202-225-5546 Cosponsor
PA-09 Daniel Meuser 202-225-6511
PA-10 Scott Perry 202-225-5836
PA-11 Lloyd Smucker 202-225-2411  Cosponsor
PA-12 Fred Keller 202-225-3731  Cosponsor
PA-13 John Joyce 202-225-2431  Cosponsor
PA-14 Guy Reschenthaler 202-225-2065  Cosponsor
PA-15 Glenn W. Thompson 202-225-5121  Cosponsor
PA-16 Mike Kelly 202-225-5406 Co-lead Sponsor
PA-17 Conor Lamb 202-225-2301 Cosponsor
PA-18 Michael Doyle 202-225-2135 Cosponsor
PA-Senate: Pat Toomey, 202-224-4254
PA-Senate: Bob Casey, 202-224-6324  Cosponsor

PR (Puerto Rico) Jennifer Gonzalez-Colon 202-225-2615 Cosponsor

RI-01 David Cicilline 202-225-4911 Cosponsor
RI-02 James Langevin 202-225-2735  Cosponsor
RI-Senate: Sheldon Whitehouse, 202-224-2921  Cosponsor
RI-Senate: Jack Reed, 202-224-4642  Cosponsor

SC-01 Joe Cunningham 202-225-3176  Cosponsor
SC-02 Joe Wilson 202-225-2452  Cosponsor
SC-03 Jeff Duncan 202-225-5301
SC-04 William Timmons 202-225-6030
SC-05 Ralph Norman 202-225-5501
SC-06 James E. Clyburn 202-225-3315
SC-07 Tom Rice 202-225-9895 Cosponsor
SC-Senate: Tim Scott, 202-224-6121  Cosponsor
SC-Senate:  Lindsey Graham, 202-224-5972  Cosponsor

SD-At Large Dusty Johnson 202-225-2801
SD-Senate: John Thune, 202-224-2321
SD-Senate: Mike Rounds, 202-224-5842  Cosponsor

TN-01 David P. “Phil” Roe 202-225-6356 Cosponsor
TN-02 Timothy Burchett -202-225-5435  Cosponsor
TN-03 Charles “Chuck” Fleischmann 202-225-3271  Cosponsor
TN-04 Scott DesJarlais 202-225-6831  Cosponsor
TN-05 Jim Cooper 202-225-4311 Cosponsor
TN-06 John Rose 202-225-4231
TN-07 Mark Green 202-225-2811
TN-08 David Kustoff 202-225-4714
TN-09 Steve Cohen 202-225-3265 Cosponsor
TN-Senate: Marsha Blackburn, 202-224-3344
TN-Senate: Lamar Alexander, 202-224-4944

TX-01 Louie Gohmert 202-225-3035  Cosponsor
TX-02 Dan Crenshaw 202-225-6565
TX-03 Van Taylor 202-225-4201 Cosponsor 
TX-04 John Ratcliffe 202-225-6673  Cosponsor
TX-05 Lance Gooden 202-225-3484 Cosponsor
TX-06 Ron Wright 202-225-2002 Cosponsor
TX-07 Lizzie Fletcher 202-225-2571  Cosponsor
TX-08 Kevin Brady 202-225-4901
TX-09 Al Green 202-225-7508  Cosponsor
TX-10 Michael McCaul 202-225-2401
TX-11 Michael K. Conaway 202-225-3605  Cosponsor
TX-12 Kay Granger 202-225-5071  Cosponsor
TX-13 Mac Thornberry 202-225-3706  Cosponsor
TX-14 Randy Weber 202-225-2831 Cosponsor
TX-15 Vincente Gonzalez 202-225-2531  Cosponsor
TX-16 Veronica Esobar 202-225-4831  Cosponsor
TX-17 Bill Flores 202-225-6105  Cosponsor
TX-18 Sheila Jackson Lee 202-225-3816  Cosponsor
TX-19 Jodey Cook Arrington 202-225-4005
TX-20 Joaquin Castro 202-225-3236 Cosponsor
TX-21 Chip Roy 202-225-4236
TX-22 Pete Olson 202-225-5951
TX-23 Will Hurd 202-225-4511 Cosponsor
TX-24 Kenny Marchant 202-225-6605  Cosponsor
TX-25 Roger Williams 202-225-9896  Cosponsor
TX-26 Michael Burgess, MD 202-225-7772
TX-27 Michael Cloud 202-225-7742
TX-28 Henry Cuellar 202-225-1640  Cosponsor
TX-29 Sylvia Garcia 202-225-1688  Cosponsor
TX-30 Eddie Bernice Johnson 202-225-8885 Cosponsor
TX-31 John Carter 202-225-3864
TX-32 Colin Allred 202-225-2231 Cosponsor
TX-33 Marc Veasey 202-225-9897
TX-34 Filemon Vela 202-225-9901 Cosponsor
TX-35 Lloyd Doggett 202-225-4865  Cosponsor
TX-36 Brian Babin 202-225-1555 Cosponsor
TX-Senate: Ted Cruz, 202-224-5922
TX-Senate: John Cornyn, 202-224-2934

UT-01 Rob Bishop 202-225-0453  Cosponsor
UT-02 Chris Stewart 202-225-9730 Cosponsor
UT-03 John Curtis 202-225-7751  Cosponsor
UT-04 Ben McAdams 202-225-3011
UT-Senate: Mike Lee, 202-224-5444
UT-Senate: Mitt Romney, 202-224-5251

VA-01 Robert J.Wittman 202-225-4261  Cosponsor
VA-02 Elaine Lurea 202-225-4215  Cosponsor
VA-03 Robert C. ” Bobby” Scott 202-225-8351  Cosponsor
VA-04 Donald McEachin 202-225-6365  Cosponsor
VA-05 Denver Riggleman 202-225-4711  Cosponsor
VA-06 Benjamin Cline 202-225-5431
VA-07 Abigail Spanberger 202-225-2815  Cosponsor
VA-08 Don Beyer 202-225-4376  Cosponsor
VA-09 Morgan Griffith 202-225-3861 Cosponsor
VA-10 Jennifer Wexton 202-225-5136
VA-11 Gerald Connolly 202-225-1492 Cosponsor
VA-Senate: Mark Warner, 202-224-2023  Cosponsor
VA-Senate: Tim Kaine, 202-224-4024  Cosponsor

VI (US Virgin Islands) Stacey Plaskett 202-225-1790 Cosponsor

VT-At Large Peter Welch 202-225-4115 Cosponsor
VT-Senate: Patrick Leahy, 202-224-4242  Cosponsor
VT-Senate: Bernie Sanders, 202-224-5141  Cosponsor

WA-01 Suzan DelBene 202-225-6311  Cosponsor
WA-02 Rick Larsen 202-225-2605  Cosponsor
WA-03 Jamie Herrera Beutler 202-225-3536 Cosponsor
WA-04 Dan Newhouse 202-225-5816 Cosponsor
WA-05 Cathy McMorris Rodgers 202-225-2006 Cosponsor
WA-06 Derek Kilmer 202-225-5916  Cosponsor
WA-07 Pramila Jayapal 202-225-3106  Cosponsor
WA-08 Kim Schrier 202-225-7761 Cosponsor
WA-09 Adam Smith 202-225-8901  Cosponsor
WA-10 Denny Heck 202-225-9740 Cosponsor
WA-Senate: Patty Murray, 202-224-7675  Cosponsor
WA-Senate: Maria Cantwell, 202-224-3441  Lead Sponsor

WI-01 Bryan Steil 202-225-3031  Cosponsor
WI-02 Mark Pocan 202-225-2906  Cosponsor
WI-03 Ron Kind 202-225-5506 Cosponsor
WI-04 Gwen Moore 202-225-4572 Cosponsor
WI-05 F. James Sensenbrenner 202-225-5101  Cosponsor
WI-06 Glenn Grothman 202-225-2476  Cosponsor
WI-07 Sean P. Duffy 202-225-3365 Cosponsor
WI-08 Mike Gallagher 202-225-5665  Cosponsor
WI-Senate: Tammy Baldwin, 202-224-5653  Cosponsor
WI-Senate: Ron Johnson, 202-224-5323  Cosponsor

WV-01 David McKinley 202-225-4172 Cosponsor
WV-02 Alex Mooney 202-225-2711
WV-03 Carol Miller 202-225-3452  Cosponsor
WV-Senate: Shelley Moore Capito, 202-224-6472  Cosponsor
WV-Senate: Joe Manchin, 202-224-3954

WY- At Large Liz Cheney 202-225-2311  Cosponsor
WY-Senate: Mike Enzi, 202-224-3424
WY-Senate: John Barrasso, 202-224-6441

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