Senate Press Release on House Passage of the LTA

by Heather on January 13, 2020

We are pleased to share with you this press release from Maria Cantwell’s office, our Senate sponsor, about House passage of the LTA. If you did not have a chance to contact your Senators last week please do so this week using the information below. 

Registration for Lymphedema Lobby Days 2020, to be held March 1st and 2nd in Washington, DC, opened last Friday! We aim to meet with all 100 Senators plus some House members, and would love to have participants from all 50 states. We already have registrations from 19 states plus DC. 

Have you joined your state’s advocacy team? It’s a free and easy way you can improve your advocacy skills and increase your impact. If not already a member we hope you’ll consider joining.

Together, we will pass the Lymphedema Treatment Act!

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group

Tips on how to personalize your messages are at the bottom of the list of Senators. To email your Senators you can click here, however, calling has the most impact so please do both if possible.

I am a constituent calling in support of the Lymphedema Treatment Act, Senate bill number S.518, and would like to thank Senator [name] for being a cosponsor of this bill. This issue is important to me because… [2-3 brief sentences]. 
The Lymphedema Treatment Act was passed in the House on December 12, 2019 and now it’s time for the Senate to do the same. With 70 Senate cosponsors and over 370 House cosponsors this is the most supported healthcare bill in Congress. Please ask Senator [name] to do whatever [he/she] can to see that bill is included in the next healthcare package that moves in the Senate.” 

“I am a constituent calling in support of the Lymphedema Treatment Act, which was passed in the House on December 12, 2019. This bipartisan bill has 70 Senate cosponsors and I would like for Senator [name] to cosponsor as well. This issue is important to me because… [2-3 brief sentences]. Please ask Senator [name] to cosponsor Senate bill number S.518, the Lymphedema Treatment Act.” 

AK-Senate: Lisa Murkowski, 202-224-6665  Cosponsor
AK-Senate: Dan Sullivan, 202-224-3004  Cosponsor
AL-Senate: Richard Shelby, 202-224-5744
AL-Senate: Doug Jones, 202-224-4124  Cosponsor
AR-Senate: Tom Cotton, 202- 224-2353  Cosponsor
AR-Senate: John Boozman, 202- 224-4843  Cosponsor
AZ-Senate: Martha McSally, 202-224-2235  Cosponsor
AZ-Senate: Kyrsten Sinema, 202- 224-4521  Cosponsor
CA-Senate: Dianne Feinstein, 202-224-3841  Cosponsor
CA-Senate: Kamala Harris, 202- 224-3553  Cosponsor
CO-Senate: Cory Gardner, 202-224-5941 
CO-Senate: Michael Bennet, 202-224-5852  Cosponsor
CT-Senate: Chris Murphy, 202-224-4041  Cosponsor
CT-Senate: Richard Blumenthal, 202- 224-2823  Cosponsor
DE-Senate: Chris Coons, 202-224-5042  Cosponsor
DE-Senate: Tom Carper, 202- 224-2441  Cosponsor
FL-Senate: Marco Rubio, 202- 224-3041  Cosponsor
FL-Senate: Rick Scott, 202- 224-5274 Cosponsor
GA-Senate: David Perdue, 202-224-3521
GA-Senate: Johnny Isakson, 202- 224-3643
HI-Senate: Brian Schatz, 202- 224-3934  Cosponsor
HI-Senate: Mazie Hirono, 202-224-6361  Cosponsor
IA-Senate: Joni Ernst, 202-224-3254  Cosponsor
IA-Senate: Chuck Grassley, 202-224-3744
ID-Senate: Jim Risch, 202-224-2752
ID-Senate: Mike Crapo, 202-224-6142
IL-Senate: Dick Durbin, 202-224-2152  Cosponsor
IL-Senate: Tammy Duckworth, 202-224-2854  Cosponsor
IN-Senate: Todd Young, 202-224-5623  Co-lead Sponsor
IN-Senate: Mike Braun, 202-224-4814
KS-Senate: Pat Roberts, 202-224-4774
KS-Senate: Jerry Moran, 202-224-6521  Cosponsor
KY-Senate: Rand Paul, 202-224-4343
KY-Senate: Mitch McConnell, 202-224-2541
LA-Senate: Bill Cassidy, 202-224-5824
LA-Senate: John Kennedy, 202-224-4623
MA-Senate: Elizabeth Warren, 202-224-4543  Cosponsor
MA-Senate: Ed Markey, 202-224-2742  Cosponsor
MD-Senate: Chris Van Hollen, 202-224-4654  Cosponsor
MD-Senate: Ben Cardin, 202-224-4524  Cosponsor
ME-Senate: Susan Collins, 202-224-2523
ME-Senate: Angus King, 202-224-5344  Cosponsor
MI-Senate: Gary Peters, 202-224-6221  Cosponsor
MI-Senate: Debbie Stabenow, 202-224-4822  Cosponsor
MN-Senate: Tina Smith, 202-224-5641  Cosponsor
MN-Senate: Amy Klobuchar, 202-224-3244  Cosponsor
MO-Senate: Josh Hawley, 202-224-6154  Cosponsor
MO-Senate: Roy Blunt, 202-224-5721  Cosponsor
MS-Senate: Cindy Hyde-Smith, 202-224-5054  Cosponsor
MS-Senate: Roger Wicker, 202-224-6253  Cosponsor
MT-Senate: Steve Daines, 202-224-2651  Cosponsor
MT-Senate: Jon Tester, 202-224-2644  Cosponsor
NC-Senate: Richard Burr, 202-224-3154, then enter #2
NC-Senate: Thom Tillis, 202-224-6342  Cosponsor
ND-Senate: Kevin Cramer, 202-224-2043  Cosponsor
ND-Senate: John Hoeven, 202-224-2551  Cosponsor
NE-Senate: Deb Fischer, 202-224-6551  Cosponsor
NE-Senate: Ben Sasse, 202-224-4224
NH-Senate: Jeanne Shaheen, 202-224-2841  Cosponsor
NH-Senate: Margaret Wood Hassan, 202-224-3324  Cosponsor
NJ-Senate: Cory Booker, 202-224-3224  Cosponsor
NJ-Senate: Bob Menendez, 202-224-4744  Cosponsor
NM-Senate: Tom Udall, 202-224-6621  Cosponsor
NM-Senate: Martin Heinrich, 202-224-5521  Cosponsor
NV-Senate: Jacky Rosen, 202-224-6244  Cosponsor
NV-Senate: Catherine Cortez Masto, 202-224-3542  Cosponsor
NY-Senate: Kirsten Gillibrand, 202-224-4451  Cosponsor
NY-Senate: Chuck Schumer, 202-224-6542  Cosponsor
OH-Senate: Sherrod Brown, 202-224-2315  Cosponsor
OH-Senate: Rob Portman, 202-224-3353
OK-Senate: Jim Inhofe, 202-224-4721  Cosponsor
OK-Senate: James Lankford, 202-224-5754  Cosponsor
OR-Senate: Jeff Merkley, 202-224-3753  Cosponsor 
OR-Senate: Ron Wyden, 202-224-5244
PA-Senate: Pat Toomey, 202-224-4254
PA-Senate: Bob Casey, 202-224-6324  Cosponsor
RI-Senate: Sheldon Whitehouse, 202-224-2921  Cosponsor
RI-Senate: Jack Reed, 202-224-4642  Cosponsor
SC-Senate: Tim Scott, 202-224-6121  Cosponsor
SC-Senate:  Lindsey Graham, 202-224-5972  Cosponsor
SD-Senate: John Thune, 202-224-2321
SD-Senate: Mike Rounds, 202-224-5842  Cosponsor
TN-Senate: Marsha Blackburn, 202-224-3344
TN-Senate: Lamar Alexander, 202-224-4944
TX-Senate: Ted Cruz, 202-224-5922
TX-Senate: John Cornyn, 202-224-2934
UT-Senate: Mike Lee, 202-224-5444
UT-Senate: Mitt Romney, 202-224-5251
VA-Senate: Mark Warner, 202-224-2023  Cosponsor
VA-Senate: Tim Kaine, 202-224-4024  Cosponsor
VT-Senate: Patrick Leahy, 202-224-4242  Cosponsor
VT-Senate: Bernie Sanders, 202-224-5141  Cosponsor
WA-Senate: Patty Murray, 202-224-7675  Cosponsor
WA-Senate: Maria Cantwell, 202-224-3441  Lead Sponsor
WI-Senate: Tammy Baldwin, 202-224-5653  Cosponsor
WI-Senate: Ron Johnson, 202-224-5323  Cosponsor
WV-Senate: Shelley Moore Capito, 202-224-6472  Cosponsor
WV-Senate: Joe Manchin, 202-224-3954
WY-Senate: Mike Enzi, 202-224-3424
WY-Senate: John Barrasso, 202-224-6441


The most effective things you can convey are why your doctor prescribed compression garments are essential to your health and quality of life. The focus should be on their medical necessity, and how they enable you to manage your lymphedema, prevent complications like infections, keep you able to work, take care of your family, etc. – whatever is most applicable for you. 

The most important thing to avoid saying is that they are expensive. Cost, or a person’s ability to afford to pay out of pocket, is not a reason why something should be covered by insurance, only medical necessity is. Keep the focus on compression garments being essential for the treatment and management of lymphedema, just as insulin is to a diabetic.

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