Spread Awareness With a Few Clicks

by Heather on January 31, 2021

This Thursday, February 4th, is World Cancer Day. While lymphedema has numerous causes, approximately two-thirds of all cases in the United States are cancer-related. With a few clicks you can send a Letter to the Editor of every publication within a 50 mile radius of your location to raise awareness about the connection between cancer and lymphedema, and that all patients, regardless of the cause of their lymphedema, deserve insurance coverage for their treatment supplies. An editable template letter is provided. 

If you or a loved one has primary lymphedema, you are invited to participate in Rare Across AmericaThis year’s virtual event consists of a variety of learning and advocacy opportunities, including phone meetings with your Senators’ offices on March 3rd, and with your Representative’s office on March 4th. The event is entirely FREE but you must register by February 20th.

Lymphedema Awareness Month in March and Lymphedema Awareness Day on March 6th are fast approaching. If you plan to order any of our awareness or educational materials please do so soon in order to ensure delivery in February. All of our materials are also always available for FREE download via our Increasing Awarenesspage. 

Don’t forgot to follow us on social media. Just click on the icons below the line. Liking and sharing our posts and tweets are easy ways to help spread awareness and increase our advocacy reach. 

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group

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