Tell-A-Friend Week

by Heather on June 14, 2020

This year’s Lymphedema Awareness Month in March was largely overshadowed by the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. While it’s unfortunate that many planned lymphedema-related events had to be canceled or postponed, every month, and every day, is an opportunity to spread awareness.

We are all finding new ways to connect in our current “separate but together” environment, and this week we challenge you to tell one new person about lymphedema, or take one action, to help spread awareness about this little-known but not uncommon condition. 

Maybe it’s a phone call or Zoom chat, maybe it’s an email, maybe it’s a social media post – or maybe it’s something uniquely you, like long-time advocate Melvin from Illinois, pictured here. Go Melvin!

Whatever you choose to do, there are a variety of educational materials on our Increasing Awareness page you may find helpful. You could be the reason someone finds help after years of struggling with undiagnosed swelling! 

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group

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