The House has completed their legislative text of the Budget Reconciliation Package, and unfortunately, the Lymphedema Treatment Act was not included as we’d hoped. We will pursue any opportunity for the LTA to be added as the package moves through the Senate, as well as other concurrent opportunities to advance the bill.
It is important to note that the only Medicare-related provisions in the package are the three that had long been expected — expanding the program by adding hearing, dental, and vision. Although we are disappointed that Congress did not choose a broader approach, this indicates it was not a decision against including our bill, but rather against including any other Medicare-related provision in this particular package.
Although our efforts did not yield the immediate results we’d hoped for, they did move us closer to our end goal of seeing the bill signed into law. We are very grateful to everyone who stepped up to the plate and made phone calls, sent emails, and participated in meetings. Here are just a few of the highlights of the progress that has been made in the last couple of weeks:
- I personally met with our House sponsor, Congresswoman Schakowsky (safely over Zoom) and she and her staff are more fired up than ever to get the Lymphedema Treatment Act passed! And, an incredible 20 constituents joined me in meeting with Senator Cantwell’s office, our Senate sponsor.
- Hundreds of phone calls and emails from advocates around the country elevated the importance of our bill with so many other offices.
- Members of our Board, along with constituents, met virtually with over 30 key office in the past two weeks, thanks in large part to your calls opening those doors for us. As one office told us; “We have received a lot of constituent contact, which is what kept the LTA on our radar and why I accepted your request for a meeting during this VERY BUSY week.”
As you can see, your involvement continues to be as important as ever, and if you have not already done so, we hope you will sign up to participate in virtual meetings with Congressional offices. Until we are able to return to in-person visits, these virtual meetings are crucial in helping us to advance the LTA. Thank you for making your voice heard!
Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group