We Did It! The LTA has been Advanced out of Committee!

by Heather on July 14, 2022

This afternoon, the Lymphedema Treatment Act was advanced out of the House Energy & Commerce Committee by a unanimous voice vote! 

While more work remains, this is a huge step forward for our bill! The next step is a full House vote, then on to the Senate.

Only Representatives serving on the House Energy & Commerce Committee were able to participate in today’s vote. However, the full House vote will include all Representatives, at which time it will be critical for each of them hear from their constituents again, so please stay tuned.

You can use the following links to watch today’s proceedings:

If your Representative serves on the House Energy & Commerce Committee (see list below) and therefore voted to advance the bill today, we encourage you to call their office to say thank you. You can find their number here, and no need to follow a script, just speak from your heart. 

Many of the members who spoke in support of the bill before the vote mentioned how moved they were by the advocates who had contacted or visited their office and bravely shared their stories. Your voices were heard! Our advocacy is what makes change happen! Together, we can and will pass the Lymphedema Treatment Act!

Heather Ferguson
Founder & Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group

These are the members of the House Energy & Commerce Committee 
who voted on the Lymphedema Treatment Act today, July 13th:

AL-06 Gary Palmer – R
AZ-01 Tom O’Halleran – D
AZ-08 Debbie Lesko – R
CA-06 Doris Matsui – D
CA-09 Jerry McNerney – D
CA-18 Anna Eshoo – D
CA-29 Tony Cardenas – D
CA-36 Dr. Raul Ruiz – D
CA-44 Nanette Barragan – D
CA-52 Scott Peters – D
CO-01 Diana DeGette – D
DE-At Large Lisa Blunt Rochester – D
FL-02 Neal Dunn – R
FL-09 Darren Soto – D
FL-12 Gus Bilirakis – R
FL-14 Kathy Castor – D
GA-01 Earl “Buddy” Carter – R
IL-01 Bobby L. Rush – D
IL-09 Jan Schakowsky – D
IL-16 Adam Kinzinger – R
IN-06 Greg Pence – R
IN-08 Larry Bucshon – R
KY-02 Brett Guthrie – R
LA-01 Steve Scalise – R
MA-03 Lori Trahan – D
MD-03 John P. Sarbanes – D
MI-06 Fred Upton – R
MI-07 Tim Walberg – R
MI-12 Debbie Dingell – D
MN-02 Angela Craig – D
MO-07 Billy Long – R
NC-01 G.K. Butterfield – D
NC-08 Richard Hudson – R
ND-At Large Mr. Kelly Armstrong – R
NH-02 Ann Kuster – D
NJ-06 Frank Pallone Jr. – D
NY-04 Kathleen Rice – D
NY-09 Yvette Clarke – D
NY-20 Paul Tonko – D
OH-05 Robert E. Latta – R
OH-06 Bill Johnson – R
OK-02 Markwayne Mullin – R
OR-05 Kurt Schrader – D
PA-13 John Joyce – R
PA-18 Michael Doyle – D
SC-03 Jeff Duncan – R
TX-02 Dan Crenshaw – R
TX-07 Lizzie Fletcher -D
TX-26 Michael Burgess, MD – R
TX-33 Marc Veasey – D
UT-03 John Curtis – R
VA-04 Donald McEachin – D
VA-09 Morgan Griffith – R
VT-At Large Peter Welch – D
WA-05 Cathy McMorris Rodgers – R
WA-08 Dr. Kim Schrier – D
WV-01 David McKinley – R


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