We’ve got 62 cosponsors already!

by Heather on May 2, 2015

It’s been less than six week since our bill was reintroduced and we already have 62 cosponsors! That’s amazing progress, but we still need many more. If you’ve received a form letter response don’t be satisfied with that!

Next week Congress is on recess, but that makes it a great time to send emails and tweets, and make Facebook posts and phone calls. Congressional staff are still working and often less busy during recess weeks.

All the tools you need are on our website under the “How You Can Help” menu, plus there’s lots of great tips and talking points in our Advocacy Handbook, including what to do after receiving a form letter. Need help or advice? Don’t hesitate to ask, we’d love to hear from you!

We are thrilled with all of the positive feedback about the video!

We are so glad that everyone, whether they know a lot about lymphedema and the LTA or virtually nothing at all, are finding it informative and inspirational.

If you haven’t watched it yet I hope you will soon, then share it with everyone you can – Lymphedema Treatment Act Public Service Announcement.

Thank you for your continued efforts. Together, we can pass the Lymphedema Treatment Act!

Heather Ferguson

Founder and Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group

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