Will your Representative be one of our first cosponsors?

by Heather on January 28, 2014

Have you written your Representative since the LTA was introduced on January 15th? If not, please use the quick and easy submission form on our website to send your letter today.

Once you’ve written, we encourage you to follow up with a phone call. You can look up the number to your Representative’s DC office here. Ask to speak to the aide in charge of health legislation. It is unlikely that you will be transferred to him or her, so have a pre-planned and concise message ready, such as this one:

“My name is (your name). I am calling regarding HR 3877, the Lymphedema Treatment Act. I have written your office about this legislation, asking if Representative (name) would sign on as a cosponsor, and have not yet received an answer. This bill is very important to me and I would like to talk with the health aide about the merits of this bill. Could he or she please return my call? My phone number is (your number).”

By next month’s Newsletter we will know which Representatives have been among the first to sign on as cosponsors, and I will share that list with you. Please do whatever you can to get your Representative’s name on that list.

And remember to spread your influence. Ask everyone you know, in any state, to write a letter. Constituent contact makes all the difference!

Heather Ferguson
Founder and Executive Director
Lymphedema Advocacy Group

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