Rosemarie’s Story

by Heather on August 26, 2014

Hi, I am a Breast Cancer Survivor and that is where my lymphedema story started. I have been learning a whole new way of life. I have lymphedema in both arms, my right being the worst. I wear compression sleeves and gloves daily and use compression bandages at night. I also do MLD several times a day adding in stretching excercises as well. The newest physical therapist I went to had to help break up the cording from my BMX. I can only go 20 times a year to a physical therapist and wish I could go more. I suffer from neuropathy from the chemo drug I was given for a different cancer and when I went through chemo for my breast cancer those drugs made it worse. So sometimes my hands and fingers are very numb and I may not do as good a job with my MLD and having more visits to PT sure would help. 

I do watch what I lift now and do have to take some extra breaks while cleaning the house so that I don’t overdo. This can be hard some times because I like to get things done and over with. But I do know my limits now. I also need help moving the furniture and bringing in the weekly groceries. 
I wish insurance would cover more or all of the compression sleeves as they don’t even last a year for 2 sets, no matter how careful I am they do get snagged on things and begin to rip. So I am not even sure how well they are really doing when that happens. 
I try not to complain at all to my family about the pain in my arms or being stuck in this situation. I’m just glad I beat cancer again! Everyday is a blessing. I just wished that the insurance companies would change how they deal with Lymphedema.


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